
8. Diana Abu-Jaber: diasporal self-location of second-generation migrants.

Автор : доц. д-р Петя Цонева
Ключови думи :
Издат.данни : Електронно копие В. Търново, Университетска библиотека, 2022
Год.издаване : 2022
Размер : Характеристика на файл (1 PDF файл : 1 468 КB)
Описание : • Born in Syracuse, New York, as an Arab-Palestinian member of the Arab diaspora in the US. • She spent some time in Amman, Jordan (her father’s birthplace) • She likewise confesses that “my [American] mother [of German, European descent] has taught me […] how to listen to stories. She made a space in our home for my father to invent himself…” • Diasporal self-location of second-generation migrants is often semi-fictional (through memories, stories, dreams) • Abu-Jaber works include: Arabian Jazz, Origin, Birds of Paradise, and two memoirs, The Language of Baklava and Life without a Recipe. • The role of story-telling and cooking: major tools of cross-cultural interaction in the novel.
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