
12. Modernist poetry: T. S. Eliot and W. B. Yeats.

Автор : доц. д-р Ярмила Даскалова
Ключови думи :
Издат.данни : Електронно копие В. Търново, Университетска библиотека, 2022
Год.издаване : 2022
Размер : Характеристика на файл (1 PDF файл : 1 726 КB)
Описание : T.S. Eliot: Education and troubled marriage: Prufrock and The Waste Land: In his early years in London Eliot held jobs as a teacher, bank clerk, assistant editor and reviewer for The Times Literary Supplement. With the help of the then influential poet Ezra Pound, he began to publish his own poetry. Prufrock and Other Observations (1917) established him as a leading poet of modernism. -Literary criticism, verse drama and humorous verse. -NOBEL PRIZE. W.B.Yeats: Nobel prize winner W. B. Yeats lived through some of the most tumultuous years in Irish history. Both his work and his personal life were strongly influenced by the events that led to the creation of the Irish Free state in 1921. -“Easter 1916,” -“He Wishes for the Clothes oh Heaven” T.S. Eliot “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” – a modernist poem par excellence “Tradition and the Individual Talent”- an essay W.B.Yeats “Sailing to Byzantium” (later poetry) Conceptualizing Byzantium: - A deliberately sought metaphor for the inside world of the writer’s mind - A religious and artistic antithesis to the prevailing social mores and standards of Victorian England - Grand and glorious symbol of perfect art - The point of intersection between East and West, exemplifying the fusion of Islamic, Christian, Roman and Greek influences
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