
10. Early Twentieth Century and Modernism. Modernism and the Modern: Leading Figures and Major Ideas

Автор : доц. д-р Ярмила Даскалова
Ключови думи :
Издат.данни : Електронно копие В. Търново, Университетска библиотека, 2022
Год.издаване : 2022
Размер : Характеристика на файл (1 PDF файл : 1 916 КB)
Описание : This lecture focuses on the basic postulates and key concepts which define and underlie the thought and works of the literary period labeled ‘Modernism’. In it I will attempt to identify and substantiate the major notions which contributed to and characterize the formation of a modern view of the world, and to reveal their significance for the emergence of modernist schemes that came to challenge the ideological status-quo of nineteenth century Victorianism.
Език : англ.
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