
8. Victorian England and its Literature: Charles Dickens; the Bronte sisters.

Автор : доц. д-р Ярмила Даскалова
Ключови думи :
Издат.данни : Електронно копие В. Търново, Университетска библиотека, 2022
Год.издаване : 2022
Размер : Характеристика на файл (1 PDF файл : 2 789 КB)
Описание : Historical and Social Background: Britain 1837-1901: The Victorian age -Charles Dickens: The writer who is most representative of the Victorian Period is Charles Dickens. His early works established him as a comic novelist in the eighteenth-century tradition of Henry Fielding. However, from the publication of Oliver Twist, which emphasized the plight of the children in the big industrial city, his work assumed a more serious tone. He quickly became the social conscience of his age, exposing social inequalities, abuses in education and the law, and the heartless materialism and hypocrisy of Victorian society. -The Bronte sisters: Although they were contemporaries of Charles Dickens, the Bronte sisters belong to an earlier literary tradition. Their works, which contain Gothic elements and explore the extremes of passion and violence, are distinctly Romantic in temperament. -Victorian poetry
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